Downtown Queen Creek
Downtown Queen Creek Vision
The focus of this area is to create a vibrant, active district in the heart of the Town Center that complements the culture and heritage of the community and provides a range of venues that celebrate all that is unique to Queen Creek. The Downtown extends from south of the
Communiversity along Ellsworth Road to the Queen Creek Wash, and is bound on the west side by Ellsworth Loop Road.
Downtown Core/Town Center Plan Update 2024
At its February 21, 2024, the Downtown Core/Town Center Plan Update was approved by the Queen Creek Town Council. The 2024 update focuses on Downtown Queen Creek and reaffirms many of the policies, goals, and strategies from 2017. In an effort to highlight the next recommendations and goals for the next 5-years, a Priority Action Plan 2024-2029 was created. The recommendations within the action plan are categorized as lower, moderate, and higher priority. The priority levels, consider the level of impact, urgency, importance, and value of each recommendation.
2024 Downtown Queen Creek Art & Placemaking Plan
In February 2024, the Mayor and Town Council approved the Downtown Queen Creek Art & Placemaking Plan. The vision for the plan is to establish an approach and set priorities for the integration of art and placemaking in Downtown Queen Creek and help transform the area into an interactive, unique, and vibrant community center. The Plan includes a high-level action plan to help guide the Town’s implementation of the objectives but specific initiatives and projects will be brought to the Town Council for consideration as the Town develops and grows the public art program.
Opportunities & Resources in the Downtown Queen Creek
Downtown Queen Creek Design Guidelines
These guidelines are meant to encourage a pedestrian-oriented and unique one-of-a-kind destination environment that celebrates the history and future of Queen Creek.
Downtown Core (DC) Zoning District Guidelines
The DC Zoning District encourages pedestrian-oriented development integrated with more specialty uses related to retail, dining, entertainment, services, residences and recreation.
Development on Town-Owned Property
The Town of Queen Creek owns land in this area for future strategic development. If you are interested in exploring development opportunities, please contact Jennifer Lindley.
Explore Downtown Queek Creek
The animations depicted herein are conceptual in nature and are merely intended to show a development concept. No guarantee is made that the features and amenities depicted by artist renderings or otherwise described herein will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, size, or nature as depicted and described.

Contact the Downtown
Development Manager
Jennifer Lindley
In The News…
On November 30th, we celebrated Small Business Saturday by opening the new downtown core connector roads!
📍 Aldecoa Drive, Munoz Street and Summers Place between Ellsworth Road and Ellsworth Loop Road.
The roadways were designed and built with the vision of creating a vibrant and walkable district in the heart of the Town Center.